Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The Icon Only a Fool Could Love

Hate black people and refer to them as inferior and lazy
- Racist

Advocate - plausibly - the destruction of a major metropolitan area (New York) with nuclear weapons, killing millions of people
- War-monger

Glorify violence and the "revolutionary" as a "killing machine"
- psychopath

Imprison homosexuals because they are homosexuals
- homophobic

Drive a thriving economy into the ground
- incompetence

Despise rock music as an expression of bourgeois decadence and imprison musicians who perform it
- A cultural thug

Confiscate personal property foreign and domestic
- A thief

...Hate the U.S. and capitalism, have your face plastered on a million T- shirts, and have a few fawning biographical films done by adoring rich Hollywood useful idiots;

All is forgiven

Che Guevara - Holy saint of leftist hate

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